Success Stories

Agfinity Inc. / Eaton, CO

Certified Healthy Workplace™ Partner

Health Links (HL): Why is the health and wellness of your employees important to you?

Agfinity Inc. (AI): Employee health and wellness is important to Agfinity, Inc. because we know the importance of supporting employee’s health and lifestyles and what that means to them.


HL: How will you/do you know your program is successful?

AI: Right now we are using a wellness incentive with our health insurance plan for employees. Based on this current initiative, we will gauge success on how many employees take advantage of the incentive.


HL: What obstacles did you have to overcome to get your program started? How did you overcome them?

AI: One of the main obstacles we had when the program began was that employees wanted their spouses to be able to be involved in the wellness program. We used the inclusion of spouse participation to help promote the program and it has worked well.


HL: Do you incorporate safety along with your wellness program? If so, what does this look like?

AI: Yes we do incorporate safety. The safety team and the wellness program work together to help communicate and promote the program to employees.


HL: What tip/advice would you give to a business that is considering starting a workplace wellness program?

AI: Agfinity tries different approaches and we have learned that discarding what doesn’t work to make room for new ideas has been a successful strategy for our company and our employees. We’ve also found that incorporating employee’s spouses and families in programs has been a very popular aspect of our program.