Health Links [HL]: What does being a healthy workplace mean to your organization?
City of Lakewood [CL]: The City of Lakewood focuses on a holistic approach to health and well-being. We provide programming that supports the physical, mental, social and financial health of all employees. Over the past year, we’ve worked to achieve Total Worker Health® by merging our safety and wellness programs.
[HL]: How does your organization create a culture of health, safety, and well-being for employees?
[CL]: We create a culture of health, safety and well-being by supporting healthy lifestyles at work and at home. Each person is on their own unique health journey. Our online wellness portal offers incentives for employees to set and achieve individual health goals. Our onsite wellness center includes free yoga and fitness classes, a bike share program, health screenings and flu shot clinics, financial education, safety trainings, standing desks, a dedicated relaxation room, and fun team competitions. And, we host an annual wellness and safety fair for all employees.
[HL]: What changes have you seen among your employees, their families, or the surrounding community as a result of your program(s)?
[CL]: We’ve seen a return on investment on our wellness and safety programs and we’ve experienced increased employee satisfaction. Overall participation grows every year. Trust in our safety program has increased, employees are making suggestions and asking for help or additional resources. Leadership and top management are interested in new programming to meet the needs of their teams, and encouraging individuals to participate in wellness and safety activities during the workday.
[HL]: How has Health Links helped your organization?
[CL]: We’ve completed the Assessment twice and will continue to do so for many years to come. The Report Card is a very helpful tool to share with leadership and our wellness and safety committee as it clearly identifies strengths and areas for improvement. Health Links always provides great advice and recommendations, like adding “Safety Snaps” to our safety and wellness newsletter, a huge hit!
[HL]: What tips or pieces of advice would you give to a business looking to create a healthier, safer, and happier environment?
[CL]: Lead by example and start small. Get leadership support from the beginning and create a diverse wellness committee. It is important to gain perspective from different levels and divisions of your organization so you can create programming that’s attractive to all.