Health Links (HL): How will you/do you know your program is successful?
Telespine (TS): We are a small company, so we know our wellness initiatives are working because employees are active everyday. Since our company product promotes daily healthy habits for low back pain, it is a major part of our culture for our employees to take care of their mind and body. Someone walking into our office will notice right away that wellness is a priority by seeing items such as healthy snacks, a stand up desk for employees who would like to stand, as well as stability balls and stretching bands to use at a moment's notice.
HL: What obstacles did you have to overcome to get your program started? How did you overcome them?
TS: Getting started wasn't hard for us since Telespine started with a culture of wellness from day one. One of the biggest obstacles to maintaining wellness is when we get super busy and don't feel that there is time to go to the gym or take a break. But, since Telespine encourages our users to live a more active and healthy life on a daily basis, the leadership team encourages employees to walk the talk. For example, last week we had a day filled with presentations and meetings back to back so the CEO, Dr. Mark Barnes, had the team do a walking meeting for the portion that didn't require a monitor.
HL: Do you incorporate safety along with your wellness program? If so, what does this look like?
TS: We are always working to incorporate safety in the workplace, especially when it comes to ergonomically correct workspaces and taking care of employees’ lower backs as well as stress management.
HL: What tip/advice would you give to a business that is considering starting a workplace wellness program?
TS: Our advice is to have a workplace that promotes wellness in its everyday culture as well as one that incorporates flexibility if possible. The number one barrier to behavior change for employees, according to our Wellness Association, is time. Google and other companies are showing that giving employees flexibility increases productivity, reduces stress and helps employees fit in exercise. We would also advise including educational material through out the entire process and program.